Welcome to Old Templar Church
If someone experiences Trust and Consciousness in the heart of the embrace,
they become a child of light.
If Someone does not receive these,
it is because they remain attached to what they know;
when they cease to be attached, they will be able to receive them.
Whoever receives this light in nakedness will no longer be recognizable;
none will be able to grasp them, none will be able to make them sad or miserable,
whether they are in this world, or have left it.
They already know the truth in images.
For them, this world has become another world,
and this Temple space is fullness;
They are who they are. They are one.
Neither shadow nor night can hide them.
~The Gospel of Philip
Translation from the Coptic by Jean-Yves Leloup
English translation by Joseph Rowe,
Inner Traditions ~ Rochester, Vermont
What We Stand For
This ministry is the The Old Templar Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, a free and independent, metaphysically-oriented Catholic community.
We maintain the value and validity of the traditional seven-fold sacramental system as a path of initiation into Divine Life for all who desire to serve humanity in this age under the guidance of the Lord Christ.
We honor and maintain the value of freedom of thought, conscience and expression in the ongoing quest for spiritual enlightenment.
We also affirm the value of a balanced spiritual life, including study of both ancient wisdom and modern knowledge, unfoldment of the Inner Light through meditation, participation in liturgical and sacramental worship, and creative self-expression in service to others.
We hold that it is the will of God that all people be at peace, to be guided by the Holy Spirit into wholeness of life, health, happiness and harmony. We further hold that we are asked to know God through love as Love.
We welcome all to our altars.